PVC Pipe Laser -merkmasjien
PVC -pyp word gereeld in 'n verskeidenheid bedrywe gebruik, waaronder loodgieterswerk, konstruksie en besproeiing. Om te verseker dat hierdie pype maklik identifiseerbaar is en dat hul spesifikasies naspeurbaar is, word lasermerk gebruik. PVC -pyplasermerkmasjiene bied 'n doeltreffende metode om permanente merke op die PVC -pyp te skep. PVC -pyplasermerkmasjien gebruik laserstraal om op die oppervlak van die PVC -pyp te graveer. Hierdie proses skep 'n permanente merker wat nie sal vervaag, afskil of vryf nie. Merke kan wees ... -
50W vesellasermerkmasjien vir koper
The 50w fiber laser marking machine for copper is a powerful and efficient machine that is specifically designed to mark copper and other metals. It uses a high-powered laser beam to etch or engrave text, logos, images, and other designs onto the surface of copper with unmatched precision and accuracy. The 50w fiber laser marking machine for copper is a versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, jewelry making, and electronics. Dit kan cop merk ... -
Draagbare vesellasermerkmasjien 50W
Marking machinery has become an essential tool for industries around the world, particularly for those that work with metal and plastic materials. Twee van die mees gebruikte masjiene in die industrie is die DOT -peenmerkmasjien en die pneumatiese merkmasjien. Albei hierdie masjiene is bekend vir hul vermoë om materiale met akkuraatheid en akkuraatheid te merk. In this article, we will be discussing the differences between these two machines and why a light weight version is beneficial fo... -
Vervaardiger Split vesel lasermerkmasjien
The split fiber laser marking machine is a 20-watt laser marking equipment with a high-power fiber laser source. The machine is capable of marking and engraving a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics and ceramics, with unparalleled precision and accuracy. Een van die belangrikste kenmerke van die gesplete vesellasermerkmasjien is die veelsydigheid daarvan. It can be used to mark a variety of materials including metal jewelry, electronics, automotive parts and plastic parts. This makes i... -